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Thesaurus linguae Latinae (TLL)


TLL Summer School in Latin Lexicography: July 28 – August 1, 2025

            The Thesaurus Linguae Latinae Institute invites applications for its annual Summer School in Latin Lexicography, scheduled to take place in Munich from July 28 to August 1, 2025. We welcome participation by researchers at any stage in their career whose work engages with ancient Latin vocabulary. In addition to classical philology, relevant disciplines include ancient history, epigraphy, linguistics, literary and textual criticism, medieval and Renaissance studies, philosophy, and theology.

            The program involves three types of activity. First, seminars and related exercises address Latin lexicography in general, the methods and format of the TLL, and non-canonical text corpora (e.g. ancient grammarians, inscriptions, the Vetus Latina Bible translation). Secondly, participants collaborate in the production of a short lexicographic entry that will be published in a forthcoming fascicle (lemma to be determined). Lastly, there is daily time for participants’ own research in the Thesaurus Archive, supported by advice from researchers at the dictionary. However, the time for independent research is limited, and we encourage researchers with more extensive projects to plan a longer stay.

            The Thesaurus Linguae Latinae Institute is home to the world’s most comprehensive record of the Latin language (ca. 600 BCE to 600 CE), consisting of over ten million handwritten slips, and a world-class library of editions, commentaries, and relevant reference material. Many editions are annotated with systematic cross-references to recent discussions of individual words in scholarly journals and other publications, as well as annotations from former owners and specialists (e.g. Eduard Fraenkel, Wilhelm Heraeus, Eduard Norden, Eduard Wölfflin). The Archive also contains all the unpublished material for the TLL Onomasticon, a record of all proper names and their derivatives (e.g. Homerus, palatium). The Bavarian Academy also houses the Mittellateinisches Wörterbuch and is not far from the Bavarian State Library, the Ludwig Maximilian University, and the German Archaeological Institute.

            The workshop begins at 9:30 am on July 28. Daily activities typically run from 9:30 until roughly 5:00pm, with some optional evening excursions. Participants are responsible for their own housing; occasional refreshments will be provided. The language of group instruction is English, but one-on-one support is available in Dutch, French, German, Italian, and Spanish.

                 Applications must be received by February 28, 2025 by email to summerschool@thesaurus.badw.de. Applications should include a curriculum vitae and a one- to two-page Statement of Benefit. The Statement should describe one or more words that you plan to investigate (whether or not they have been published already in the TLL), why they are important for your research, and what questions you hope to address during your stay. It is important to show familiarity with existing lexicographic resources. There is only space for fifteen participants, who will be notified by March 15.


Contact: summerschool(at)thesaurus.badw.de

Application due: February 28, 2025

Participation fee: €120

Location: Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Alfons-Goppel-Str. 11, 80539, Munich, Germany