Supporting the next generation of scholars

From the outset, the Thesaurus was an educational centre for the coming generation of Latin scholars. Some classicists joined the dictionary staff after leaving university, and worked their way into a position there. Others were – and still are – employed on a temporary basis, usually supported by a scholarship of between one and three years, during which time they receive an intensive training in lexicography while publishing dictionary entries under their own names. This is an experience which they take away with them into the wider scholarly community, where they spread an awareness of the Thesaurus. Sometimes, however, they remain as permanent employees. This exchange with the world of scholarship is a trademark of the Thesaurus.
At present there are regularly awarded scholarships for Italy, Switzerland and the USA. A general account with further information is given by an article in ‘Akademie aktuell’; there you can also find reports by two American bursary-holders about their experiences. A complete list of the bursary-holders from the USA to date is to be found on the website of the Society for Classical Studies. Two more publications on the subject are:
Baraz, Y. (2007). Revelations of Lexicography: The Daily Learning at the Thesaurus. Transactions of the American Philological Association, 137(2), 497-501.
Krebs, C. (2009) “You say ‘putator’. The first word on the first day of a Latin lexicographer,” Times Literary Supplement, February 6, 14-5.