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Thesaurus linguae Latinae (TLL)


Staff Members

General Editor:

Dr. Josine Schrickx, phone 089 23031-1162

Executive Secretary:

Dr. Manfred Flieger, phone 089 23031-1159


Dr. Nigel Holmes, phone 089 23031-1168
Drs Marijke Ottink, phone 089 23031-1162
Dr. Paolo Pieroni, phone 089 23031-1164


Dr. Anne-Elisabeth Beron, phone 089 23031-1350
Dr. Adam Gitner, phone 089 23031-1164
Dr. habil. István Hajdú, phone 089 23031-1163
Dr. Roberta Marchionni, phone 089 23031-1158
Dr. Eduard Meusel, phone 089 23031-1165
Dr. Gabriela Ryser, phone 089 23031-1163
Dr. Adam Trettel, phone 089 23031-1302

Other contributors, cofinanced by other sources:

Dr. Hugo Beikircher
Dr. John Blundell, phone 089 23031-1166
Anatol Bruschi M.A., phone 089 23031-1227
Dr. Sara Contini
Dr. Michael Hillen
Drs Cornelis G. van Leijenhorst
Swaantje Otto M.A., phone 089 23031-1227
Hannah Sorscher PhD, phone 089 23031-1226
Dr. Friedrich Spoth, phone 089 23031-1158
Dr. Hongxia Zhang, phone 089 23031-1163

Librarian and Archivist:

Evelyn-Anita Liebert-Balder M.A., phone 089 23031-1156
Email: tll.bibliothek@thesaurus.badw.de


Gerard Duursma, phone 089 23031-1160

External Scholars

Of the scholarly advisers outside the institute, an expert on Indo-European writes the etymologies and a specialist in Romance languages the section on the later history of the words. Several scholars both in Germany and elsewhere help with the proof-reading and make valuable corrections and suggestions, particularly from the viewpoint of their special areas of interest.

Specialist on Indo-European: Prof. Dr. Gerhard Meiser (Halle).

Specialist in Romance languages: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schweickard and Dott. Francesco Crifò (Saarbrücken).

Scholarly advisers: Prof. Dr. Klaus-Dietrich Fischer (Mainz), Prof. Dr. Paolo Gatti (Trento), Dr. Friedrich Heberlein (Eichstätt), Prof. Dr. Harry Hine (St. Andrews), Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hübner (Münster), Prof. Dr. Severin Koster (Saarbrücken), Prof. Dr. Aldo Lunelli (Padova), Prof. Dr. Matteo Massaro (Bari), Prof. Dr. Wolfgang de Melo (Oxford), Prof. Dr. Johannes Platschek (München), Prof. Dr. Heikki Solin (Helsinki), Dr. Elena Spangenberg Yanes (Roma), Dr. Clemens Weidmann (Wien).

List of Contributors

In this pdf you can find a list of all the authors of dictionary entries and the expansions of the abbreviations used in the dictionary for the names of editors.